Preventative Care Cream | Leather Meds


How do I apply Preventive Care Cream?

Leather Meds Preventive Care Cream (PCC) can be applied with a microfiber cloth or comparable lint free cloth. Always buff away excess after a minute or so during application. After buffing, you shouldn’t feel any excess liquid on your leather’s surface, but the leather may appear to be slightly shinier.

Are there any special instructions for storage?

PCC should be stored at room temperature and never frozen.

I’ve purchased products before that were “sticky” or “gooey”, should I expect the same with PCC?

PCC is specifically formulated NOT to be sticky whatsoever.

Can PCC help some leathers and harm others?

PCC can be applied to ANY leather product including car seats, furniture, apparel and accessories that are made from genuine or faux leathers, except nubuck and suede, which both require special treatments. Nubuck and suede are not used on car seats and rarely on furniture. For personal leather goods, check the product’s label to verify the leather type.

What leather products does PCC perform exceptionally well on?

PCC was produced for finished/protected leathers, including all car seats and most furniture. Basically, any leather that doesn’t absorb liquid is the ideal candidate.

How often should I apply PCC?

Apply quarterly to furniture. For car seats, it is recommended to apply monthly for vehicles that see average use and weekly for heavy use vehicles including work trucks, etc.

Will PCC stain my leather?

PCC is color neutral and will not add color to leather. The only chance of it altering leather by staining or feel would be if it were used on suede or nubuck, which it is not recommended.

Will my faux leather benefit from its use?

While PCC won’t harm faux leather, it is unlikely to improve its appearance or feel. It will offer protective qualities to these products, as well as vinyl, (i.e. scratch resistance).

Do I need to use a cleaner before applying PCC?

PCC is an “all in one” product that cleans, conditions and protects. Used early and often, PCC will keep your leather products at their best. No additional cleaning is required.

Can PCC remove my leather’s finish?

There are no strong solvents in PCC that will remove color or otherwise harm your leather goods.

Ultra Care | Leather Meds


How do I apply Ultra Care?

Leather Meds Ultra Care (UC) can be applied with a microfiber cloth or comparable lint free cloth. Always buff away excess after a minute or so during application. After buffing, allow several minutes to dry. At this point you shouldn’t feel any excess product on your leather’s surface.

How do I store my UC?

UC should be stored at room temperature. Do not store in a place above room temperature. However if you do and UC softens in the jar, place the container in the refrigerator for an hour or so and it will return to its original texture.

Is UC sticky?

UC is specifically formulated NOT to be sticky whatsoever.

Can UC help some leathers and harm others?

UC can be applied to any genuine or faux leather product, except nubuck and suede, which both require special treatment.

I have an old leather bag and pair of boots that might be beyond improving, can UC help?

UC performs exceptionally well on absorbent leathers, including old, faded and well used items and should improve both the appearance and feel.

How often should I apply UC?

Apply quarterly to furniture. For all apparel and accessory leathers, apply monthly to quarterly, depending on how heavily these items are used. However anytime your leather is showing signs of drying out in appearance or feel, UC can be applied with positive results.

Will UC change the color of my leather?

UC is color neutral and will not add color to leather, but benefits leathers that have faded or become dry due to excessive use or sun exposure. As UC reintroduces healthy moisturizers to preserve your leather, it may darken the leather slightly, but this is considered a desirable outcome. It is always recommended to try it in a discreet spot prior to application.

Can I apply UC to my faux leather?

While UC won’t harm faux leather, it is unlikely to improve its appearance or feel. It will offer protective qualities to these products, as well as vinyl, (i.e. scratch resistance).

Can UC remove my leather’s finish?

There are no strong solvents in UC that will remove color or otherwise harm your leather goods.

How does UC protect my leather goods?

UC acts as a barrier to body oils, spills and moisture in general, allowing for these to be wiped away rather than entering your leather’s surface. In this way, UC helps prevent staining and discoloration. This barrier also offers scratch protection. Additionally, by remoisturizing your leather, it prevents the breakdown and deterioration of the leather’s natural fibrous content.

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